Henderson Publishing
Books for the Book People
The Complete Encyclicals and Select Papal Writings
Paul VI
The Complete Encyclicals and Select Papal Writings by Pope Paul VI is an indispensable collection that brings together the full range of writings from one of the most pivotal pontiffs of the 20th century. This volume includes all of Pope Paul VI’s encyclicals, along with several key constitutions, letters, and apostolic exhortations, offering a comprehensive insight into the mind and spiritual leadership of this remarkable pope.
During his papacy (1963–1978), Pope Paul VI guided the Church through one of its most transformative eras, continuing the work of the Second Vatican Council and addressing a world in the midst of social, political, and moral upheaval. His encyclicals, including Populorum Progressio and Humanae Vitae, tackle urgent issues such as social justice, the sanctity of life, the role of the Church in the modern world, and the need for peace and development. His apostolic exhortations and letters further reflect his deep pastoral concern for the faithful, addressing topics like evangelization, priestly formation, and Christian unity.
This collection is essential for theologians, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the teachings of Pope Paul VI and the post-Vatican II Church. His writings are both timeless and deeply relevant to the challenges faced by the Church and society today, providing guidance on moral, theological, and social issues that continue to resonate across the world.
List of documents contained within:
Ecclesiam Suam
Mense Maio
Mysterium Fidei
Christi Matri
Populorum Progressio
Sacerdotalis Caelibatus
Humanae Vitae
Apostolic Exhortations:
Signum Magnum
Evangelica Testificatio
Marialis Cultus
Gaudete in Domino
Evangelii Nuntiandi
And more including select Apostolic Constitutions and Apostolic Letters.